Yesterday, Mimi and I decided to start work on our small recipe card holders. We cut out material for two, because they are not going to be recipe holders. Why, you ask? Because Mimi claims she needs a new purse and if she needs a new purse, so does Violet. The idea for this idea came from a sewing book that I bought for half off at Borders. It comes complete with pretty pictures, patterns, and some pretty confusing directions. Cutting out wasn't so hard, the reading of the directions is a different story. It was like I was reading some sort of foreign language, complete with pictures. I think cave writings are easier to decipher, seriously! Since these are NOT going to be recipe card holders, but tiny purses for tiny girls, I am going to do my own thing. Also, this obsession I have with these stupid holders is over for three reasons. 1. I have been reviewing my dinner/holiday party history and the truth is, I am lame. Most of the soirees I attend are hosted by my parents or in-laws. 2. My friends who invite me to their houses for dinner or parties, really don't have huge expectations. Trust me, I mean no offense because I always have a good time. But my friends don't expect hostess gifts and no one gives them. I would look like a big nerd. 3. Plus, it seems like lately, Betty Crocker and Pillsbury have been having some great 10 for $10 sales and that is what I have been baking. So, here reads fancy card in fancy recipe card holder bag: One box of mix, follow directions, bake. Smear one tub of delicious pre-made frosting onto cake. Enjoy. Ugh, no! So, the tiny purses are cut out and sometime this weekend, Mimi and I will sew them together.
Now bubble was burst on my idea for scraps so I needed to come up with some other projects. But, do not fear, I have some ideas. I have left over fabric from some curtains that my mom made us for our kitchen window. It is a bold, happy fabric that we bought at IKEA. Some of you might have seen on Facebook, that Kevin won a schoolhouse light from Rejuvenation. The light looks fantastic, however, the curtains no longer fit. We, Kevin and I, are going to play around with some fabric and try to create some sort of simple cornice for the window. Also, I am going to make a runner for our kitchen table. Our table, was a welcome gift from the previous owner of our house. However, there have been many painting, crafting, and play doh parties at this table and it is just not in tip top shape anymore. It could use a runner. So....stay tuned. I am hoping to get that project started in a couple weeks.
Left over fabric from the kitchen curtains |
Also, my dear mother came over today to take a trip to the beauty parlor (I know, I sound like an old lady) with her little granddaughters. Everyone needed a haircut. Yes, this has nothing to do with anything except my mom, Mimi, and Violet all got their hair cut and my eyebrows look a little less like Groucho Marx's eyebrows. My mother brought to my house, aside from my father and their pooch, a lot of fabric. A couple yards of a calico print that she is not using. My parents have been busy spending my inheritance on new flooring, couches, and counter tops at the yooper residence. The place looks great but is missing one thing...homemade throw pillows!!!!! Tonight, I started cutting out and pinning the fabric together. I am going to make two sets of pillows for the upstairs and downstairs living areas. The couches on each level are shades of brown and the fabric will match. It is the least I can do for the people I have terrorized, tortured, aggravated, and loved for the past 37 years!
Fabric for my mom's pillows |
Me cutting fabric. No, I do not fix myself up
before I sew. Yes, I sew at night when I look awful.
Nope, I don't care! |
Two pillows, cut out, ready to sew! |
One more thing, I am starting to fix up my sewing spot. I sew in a corner of our bedroom and my furnishings are all stuff that we don't want to use ANYWHERE in our house. The table, was actually on my balcony when I lived in the "hot house" in Royal Oak. The cubes came with Kevin and have been in pretty much every room. But, I think it is a happy little space, at least I am happy when I am there. And really, happiness is about the best thing anyone can ask for in life.
My happy place! |
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